Purple Husky Technologies focuses on helping outstanding talents and seasoned industry leaders build and advance their careers

Our Talent Pool

We are tapped into the best pool of thousands of top talents nationwide. Our founder is a graduate of the UW MBA program where he served as the COO of the MBAA association. Through our founder, we are connected with the University of Washington Student Veterans Association and the Pacific Northwest MBA Association, providing us with a vast network of dedicated leaders who have served their country and have transitioned to the civilian sector.

Our talents bring a unique set of skills and experiences, and an exceptional work ethic. They are mission driven, hardworking and loyal. We bring great value by serving your business successfully and building long-term career success.

We are honored to serve our talents and our clients, building long term win-win business partnerships and ecosystems together.

Value That We Bring

Purple Husky Technologies Corp has many senior and high-level talents who have served in the IT industry as our career mentors and coaches.

We offer our talents career training which positively benefit our talents, allowing them to connect the skills they acquired while serving in the military to those they will need in the modern digital workplace.

We help manage our resources with their career growth, adjustment, performance, and long-term advancement in the civilian world.